Hi! Welcome to my website! My name's Vonnai — I'm a storytelling enthusiast, reporter and producer from Seattle, Washington. 
I'm currently the features producer at The Seattle Times. What does that mean? I manage all things digital for the features section, from social media to newsletters to analytics and more!  I'm also the events writer, and I write two weekly event columns covering all types of fun happenings in the Seattle area. 
During my time at Washington State University, I pursued degrees in broadcast journalism, strategic communications (public relations) and French language. My ambitious passions have led me to work that varies from social media engagement and tracking, news reporting and storytelling, blogging and client relations. 
This website mainly showcases experiences I have had throughout my professional and college career — from working for designers at Paris Fashion Week to interning for my school's president for over two years to now working at The Seattle Times. 
In my free time, you can find me journaling, obsessing over skincare videos on YouTube or in the yoga studio.
Feel free to head over to my contact page to say hello!
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